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Our Services



Customized fans that are highly advanced and efficient in design and performance. Suited for your applications.



Significant weight reduction, accurate mass distribution and amazing repeatability.



Professional installations taylored to your requirements. Achieving state of the art results.



Static testing before installation and in situ testing to ensure improvements and excellent results.

“Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.”

– James A. Michener

About Us

Chris Meyer

Completed a PhD under the supervision of Prof Detlev Kröger (University of Stellenbosch) investigating the aerodynamic performance of dry-cooled systems.
Currently a professor at the University of Stellenbosch with a research focus on large-scale dry-cooled systems.
Responsible for structural integrity and aerodynamic development.

Hans van Kamp

Formal training at Fokker Industries in aerodynamic and structural engineering.

20 years experience working with advanced plastics and manufacturing processes.

Responsible for structural design and manufacturing.

Matimba Case Study:

Aerodynamic improvement:

  • Reference fan consumes between 16 and 21 % less power than current Matimba fan for similar flow displacement
  • Alternatively: volume flow rates can be increased by
    between 10 – 15%
  • Greater protection against detrimental effects of wind

Structural improvement:

  • Negligible blade excitation due to favourably designed modal characteristics
  • Fatigue on blades and gearboxes greatly reduced
  • Fan blade weight is reduced by ½
  • Dramatically reduces stress on blades and gearboxes during start-up
  • Blade shape and structure is consistent (within 0.8 % by weight and 0.6 % by natural modes)
  • Blades are interchangeable and vibrational loads due to imbalance negligible
  • Maximum operational load far below yield point (safety factor 4) Fatigue negligible.

Flow rates
increase-able by
10 to 15%

Stress reduced
on blades and

Fan blade
weight reduced
by 50%

16 to 21%
less power